Posted on: August 3, 2018
Included on this page is a brief step-by-step guide for logging in, transferring files, compiling code, and submitting a batch job via HPC subsystem.
Virtual ROGER (Resourcing Open Geospatial Education and Research) has been established using experiences gained from a NSF MRI project for enabling geospatial research and education at the CyberGIS Center. It provides hybrid computing modalities including HPC batch, data-intensive computing, and cloud computing, backed by a common data store. It is administered by the School of Earth, Society, and Environment (SESE) and is integrated with the Keeling compute cluster operated by the school.
The first step is to open your command console and type in the following CONNECTION STRING, hit enter.
$ ssh
It will then prompt you to supply a unique password. Type in the password associated with your netID entered hit enter.
Upon successful login, you should see a welcome message along with some basic information about Virtual ROGER. You are now using a bash shell on the LOGIN NODE of the cluster.
Note: Virtual ROGER allows ssh connections only from campus networks. If you wish to log into keeling from outside the University, start the Cisco AnyConnect VPN before logging in.
Login is unavailable via the windows command prompt. We suggest installing MobaXterm for securely logging in. The free download is available online».
To grant access to Virtual ROGER, please send an email to and please CC: Please specify your name, NetID, and UIN in the email.
Now that you have connected to Virtual ROGER and are on the LOGIN NODE you have access to 3 different directories, or ‘spaces’.
The spaces are important because each space is restricted to a specific size.
DO NOT use the Home Directory for computing! The size of this space is not equipped to handle any sort of computation.
The Bash shell is the default shell environment users are placed in when initially logging in. The shell can be configured in a way that optimizes and supports your unique computational needs. In order to do so, we may use the command module.
To see what modules are currently available to load into your shell:
$ module avail
To see what modules are currently loaded into your environment:
$ module list
We have built special modules for CyberGIS center available under /data/cigi/common/cigi-modules
To get the mudules:
$ module use /data/cigi/common/cigi-modules
To load the available modules in the directory:
$ module load <module_name>
To load gdal2.3 and all its dependencies:
$ module load gnu/gnu-6.1.0 proj4/5.1.0 geos/3.6.2 gdal/2.3.0
More information about keeling software environment can be found here.
To start working with your own data the files must be located on one of the Virtual ROGER’s nodes. In order to transfer these files from your personal desktop to the Virtual ROGER, a management tool must be used that will copy files from one to the other based on specific parameters given by the user.
To copy a single file from your desktop to Virtual ROGER:
$ scp myfile
To copy a single file from Virtual ROGER to your desktop:
$ scp
MobaXterm supports the transferring of files (as well as other SSH clients – list here) for Windows users with the same commands scp and sftp.
Since computing is not done on the login node, users must send their jobs off to the compute nodes which will then take care of the heavy lifting. To do so, we use a QUEUE SYSTEM along with SLURM batch system, which is a resource manager handling the job submissions. SLURM responds to sbatch commands, which are included in what we call a job script.
Before sending your compiled code to SLURM batch system a script must be created, your JOB SCRIPT. Begin by creating a new file in your text editor (here we will name it, however, you can give it whatever name you like), typing the commands below.
On Virtual ROGER, you can use a text editor like nano (recommended for new users) or vi (for experienced users that know vi commands). You can create and start editing the job script with
nano | explanation |
#!/bin/tcsh #SBATCH --job-name=mpitest #SBATCH -n 4 #SBATCH --time=48:00:00 #SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=2048 #SBATCH --mail-type=FAIL #SBATCH --mail-type=END #SBATCH set InputDir=/data/sesegroup/a/seseuser/inputs mpirun -np 4 ./mpiModel test_setup.nml
Virtual ROGER provides compute nodes which contain Nvidia Tesla K40m GPUs and compute nodes with highmemory.
To use GPU compute nodes, add the following parameter to your batch script:
#SBATCH -p gpu #SBATCH -n 20 #SBATCH -N 1 #SBATCH --gres=gpu:K40m:1
Or you can use the parameters with the qlogin command line as follows:
qlogin -p gpu -n 20 -N 1 --gres=gpu:K40m:1
module purge module add GNU module add GPU
and that any models that use GPU capabilities be built under that environment before running.
To use highmemory nodes, add the parameter –mem=<memory_size> to you qlogin command.
qlogin --mem=250g
$ sbatch myBatchScript
This is obviously a very simple example where we are using only one node. However, for more complex jobs it will be likely that multiple nodes will need to be used. In this case, users must specify how many nodes they will need along with the amount of cores. For more details/advanced examples please see the Queue System & Running Jobs.