Virtual ROGER user guide

Posted on: August 3, 2018

What is Virtual ROGER?

Virtual ROGER (Resourcing Open Geospatial Education and Research) has been established using experiences gained from a NSF MRI project for enabling geospatial research and education at the CyberGIS Center. It provides hybrid computing modalities including HPC batch, data-intensive computing, and cloud computing, backed by a common data store. It is administered by the School of Earth, Society, and Environment (SESE) and is integrated with the Keeling compute cluster operated by the school.

What will I learn?

This pages will take users step-by-step, covering pertinent topics to high-performance computing native on Virtual ROGER system. Example code is also included.

Is prior experience necessary?

Prior experience with Linux environment will be extremely helpful, however, this guide was written with the intention that some users may not be as familiar with certain terms or ideas. For these areas, we have provided links to additional resources, tutorials, etc.

The Quick Start Guide

Provides brief step-by-step guide for logging in, transferring files, compiling code, and submitting a batch job via HPC subsystem.

Browse Content by Topic

I. Connecting to Virtual ROGER

How to login with netID and password.

II. Managing Data & Files

How to transfer files from local machine to Virtual ROGER.

III. Accessing Supported Software

Information on the modules command.

IV. Queue System & Running Jobs

Each job is controlled by a queuing system. To interact with this queuing system, including how the different queues work and when/where to submit your jobs for computing, click above!

V. Investigating a Running Job

Are you concerned about the performance of your batch HPC jobs, or have issues to debug? The following steps can get you started.